Not all of us know the different kinds of mushrooms that exist. There are several kinds, and one of the beneficial ones is that one has psilocybin and psilocin, popularly known as magic mushrooms. Magic mushroom benefits make it unique from all the other types of existing mushrooms, as illustrated below; Control Addiction Addiction can be defined as […]
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What are the health Benefits of CBD Daily?
For a brief description, cannabinoid or CBD in short is an extract of marijuana that has been taken through tests and proven to be of more importance than harm. These are chemical compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. A lot has been discovered about these chemical products and we’ll look at some of […]
Learn More on CBD Oil uses to Build the Immune System
The Food and Drug Administration authorized some form of CBD oil known as Epidiolex to treat two categories of epilepsy. Thus, this article will be elaborated further on CBD oil uses to build the immune system in terms of what is CBD oil, where does CBD comes from, its benefits and also how to utilize […]
What are the health effects of CBD to help relieve anxiety ?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid determined in 1940. it’s far one of 113 diagnosed cannabinoids in hashish flora, at the side of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. As of 2019, clinical studies on CBD covered studies related to anxiety, cognition, movement issues, and ache, but there’s inadequate evidence […]
What you need to know about Sativa vs. Indica weed strains effects?
Have you ever wondered about the differences between the two types of Cannabis? This article clarifies everything you need to know about Sativa vs. Indica weed strains effects. Since strains often refer to bacteria or viruses, most individuals use the term chemovars in place of strains. Chemovars seem correct as it relates to various chemicals present in […]
What are the uses of Topical Cannabis Products?
Cannabis topicals are products like lotions, sprays, balms, oils, creams and salves. These topical Cannabis products uses include skincare, cosmetics and first aid. Topical cannabis doesn’t make people get high and they work because they include a unique phytochemical which is only found in plants. The chemicals include; cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). TCH is […]
Difference Between Indica vs. Sativa Cannabis Effects
Introduction Cannabis commonly referred to as marijuana is derived from the cannabis plant and is widely used for medicinal purposes and recreation. It is broadly categorized as indica and sativa with each group composed of many strains. It is used in the medical field to treat conditions such as multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, nausea, vomiting, […]
Here are some Online Weed Clinics in Canada you can check
1. 420 Clinic: Canada. This Web centric for Canadian weed dispensaries offers a vast array of goods for legal access. Opened in 2010, these friendly and accessible dispensaries offer a host of all cannabis-related goods and services. 2. Square One: Canada. This Canadian marijuana dispensary is located in Williams Lake, BC and specializes in CBD […]
What You Should Know About CBD For Dogs And Cats
There has been a lot of interest in the veterinary cannabis field. Many people wonder if CBD has the same effects on animals as it has on humans. More research needs to be done on this to get scientific data that will enable us to draw factual conclusions. However, there is evidence from pet owners […]
Can the Use of Cannabis Be a Safe Pain Treatment?
The cannabis plant has long green leaves having at least five leaflets. This plant originated in India and Asia. The components of this plant have been used as a pain killer remedy for centuries worldwide. Join me as I take you through how to consume cannabis, the health benefits and risks of cannabis uses to treat […]
Are there Similarities of Indica vs Sativa Cannabis effects?
Introduction Many may not know the difference between Indica and Sativa Cannabis. Indica are short, have thick stems and their leaves are dark green and broad. It is known to reduce insomnia and create a feeling of relaxation. Sativa leaves are narrow, light green, and are tall. It is known to create a feeling of being energized and having […]
Cannabis uses to combat stress
Cannabis, which is also known as marijuana, is a type of drug found in the cannabis plant. Most people use this drug for recreational or spiritual purposes. Cannabis uses to combat stress and anxiety have been known for centuries, and now medical researchers have come up with ways to control the THC and CBD compounds […]
Smoking vs. Eating Weed Effects
Some folks can’t live while not their spliffs, whereas others wouldn’t be caught dead while not their infused brownies. So, is it higher to eat or smoke weed? What square measures the variations between the 2 experiences? Continue reading to seek out. The distinction between smoking vs. eating weed effects is going to be obvito […]
Different Uses for Marijuana
Introduction CBD is believed by some people to reduce pain and can treat a wide variety of health infections such as Epilepsy, High blood pressure, Acne among other diseases. The studies made by scientists a few years back said that, even though CBD may treat people with various diseases, the result on each disease was very different. […]
Cannabis Benefits in Treating Chronic Pain
In 1970, the then US President, Ronald Reagan, signed into law the Controlled Substances Act, which categorized cannabis as a Schedule I drug, the highest ranking there is. This meant that it had been established as having a high abuse potential with no medicinal value. This inhibited the use of the substance, which had at the time been undergoing several […]
Cannabis sativa also known as marijuana is an herbaceous plant mostly indigenous to Eastern Asia but now cultivated in most parts of the continent. The product of this plant has many uses. It is used as the source of industrial fiber, medicine, food, and some people also use it for religious and spiritual moods. Nowadays, cannabis strains […]
How to market a online cannabis dispensary
Cannabis and its related products have been for a long time considered illegal by many countries and thus its use has been minimal. However, recent discoveries on its medicinal value and ‘unlawful’ huge revenues have made governments to lift the ban albeit with some restrictions. To curb abuse of cannabis, governments have allowed creations of cannabis dispensaries to allow people to acquire the products for […]
CBD oil is one of the phytocannabidoids usually found in a cannabis plant and it accounts for more than 40 % of the plant extracts. It does not cause intoxication experiences which makes it the most preferred because of its multiple health benefits with no ” high effect”. Pets for example dogs and cats benefit from the use of […]
INTRODUCTION Cannabis is a botanical product whose origin traces back to the ancient world. In the past 5000years, archaeologists found evidence of cannabis, having recreational, spiritual, medicinal, and other uses in various countries, including Africa, India, China, and Assyria. Other common names for cannabis Latin, Botanical names Cannabis is the scientific name for the hemp plant, with many species’ names, including: Cannabis sativa Cannabis indica Cannabis ruderalis English names Dagga Ganja Hashish Hemp Marijuana […]
Names and slangs use in the Cannabis Products
The study of an item or a “thing” is incomplete without a close look at the etymology and onomastics associated with the item, its uses, and origin across different languages and cultures over time and by different people. The article seeks to take a close look at different formal and slang terms or words used […]