Are there Similarities of Indica vs Sativa Cannabis effects?


Many may not know the difference between Indica and Sativa Cannabis. Indica are short, have thick stems and their leaves are dark green and broad. It is known to reduce insomnia and create a feeling of relaxation. Sativa leaves are narrow, light green, and are tall. It is known to create a feeling of being energized and having focus and creativity. Both Indica and Sativa Cannabis effects are similar and we get to discuss them here.

Reduce Nausea

Indica vs Sativa Cannabis effects are similar as they have been known to reduce nausea. At times some diseases as a result of the treatment given to a patient especially if it is chronic may cause nausea. Medically the moderate amount of THC which is balanced with CBD is used. Chemotherapy patients who experience anticipatory nausea and are unable to control their symptoms also use Indica and Cannabis Sativa in treatments that are given in limited doses. 

Reduce Pain

The development of technology has allowed patients with long-term illnesses and experience pain to turn to Sativa Cannabis and Indica. They have both been used around the world for medicinal purposes and date centuries back. They have also been used for joint pains and muscle spasms. By alleviating pain the patient is also able to relax due to the sedative effect on them

Change in Appetite

Indica vs Sativa Cannabis effects vary when it comes to appetite. Research has shown that for patients who have a chronic illness and have a loss of appetite, Indica is used to alter their eating behaviors. The hunger hormone is triggered in the brain which prompts the patient to feel hungry and increase their appetite. As for the Sativa Cannabis, it has a different result on your appetite as it suppresses it due to a high concentration of THCV.

Increased Heart rate

A warning is put out on both vaping and smoking. When the heart rate increases you are at risk of a heart attack or other heart problems that are long-term and permanent as a result of the heart being strained due to the lack of enough or proper flow of oxygen. Indica vs Sativa cannabis effects research is still ongoing on whether when it is used directly it affects the heart as it has been beneficial to patients who need it.


Indica vs Sativa Cannabis effects vary and are also similar. When used for medical purposes and with the right dose the benefits outweigh the potential risks than when used recreationally. When we avoid the black market the quality is controlled and patients especially those with chronic problems benefit highly.